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Helder De Andrade is a enthusiastic Massage Therapist, Reiki Master and Spiritual Healer with background in the traditional school of Reiki - Usui Shiki Ryoho. He has been a Therapist for over ten years, having the experience of performing personal massage therapy sessions and delivering Reiki workshops to health care professionals in South and North America. With strong communication skills, being fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish, Helder incorporates a unique approach to massage focusing on the breath as part of the treatment.

His experience varies on working at different locations: Chair Massage inside banks and corporations; Self-employed; Spas; Healing centers and personal clients, giving Helder the experience needed to work in any place or situation.


Some of the certifications Helder De Andrade received during the last years of his training

Education and Training



Cupping Therapy Massage - Beginner Training: Enrolled and completed online course achieving certification, being able to work and apply the techniques presented. Ohio, USA. (2024)§ Completion of 60 hours of Cupping Therapy Training Program with Practice.

Thai Yoga Massage - Beginner
Training received with teacher Trina Shook. Dublin, Ohio, USA. (2017)
§ Completion of 60 hours of Thai Yoga Massage Training Program and 10 hours of Supervised Practice.

Ayurveda Massage

Naradeva Shala – Institute of Hindu Culture, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil (


§ Completion of 45 hours of Ayurveda Massage Training Program and 20 hours of Supervised Practice


Shamanic / Indigenous Healing

Earth’s Children, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil (

Course Duration: July 2004 - Course Ended: January 2015

This is an extended training program with course content covering the following subjects:

Crystal Therapy, Aromatherapy, Holistic Massage, Massage with animal movements (Indian technique)

Herbal Therapy, Spiritual Healing, Healing with hands, Bodywork, Native American Healing Knowledge

Native North and South American Indian Herbs, Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Visualization and

Drum Therapy.


Shamanic Reiki  (Ma’he’O)

Holistic Humaniversity, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil (

Technical naturopathic course accredited the Brazilian Ministry of Education.


§ Completion of Shamanic Reiki training program and 20 hours of Supervised Practice  


Naturopathic Medicine

UNISUL (University of Southern Santa Catarina), Florianopolis, SC, Brazil (


§ Completion of 60 credit hours towards Bachelors degree in Naturopathic Medicine. Concentration in: basic psychology applied to the holistic thought,  natural nutrition and approaches to naturopathic medicine.


Spiritual Healing and Meditation (

WGS Institute of Human Studies, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil


§ Completion of  Spiritual Healing and Mediumship Training Program and 12 hours of Supervised Practice


Reiki – Traditional (Usui Shiki Ryoho) (

WGS Institute of Human Studies, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Reiki Master and Reiki Instructor level attained


§ 100 credit hours of Reiki training:  Levels 1-3, Master and Teacher.  

§ 136 credit hours of Supervised Practice.

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